Golf fees and category changes
ear Member
The golf fees for the 2 instalment members will be posted and emailed before the end of the week. If you would like to change your playing category or resign your membership please email
If you pay your membership yearly please ignore this email. The fees will be broken into 2 equal payments . please see below for what each category will pay in full.
Full membership- £675
6 Day Membership-£600 Sunday to Friday only!
5 Day membership Monday to Friday only! -£560
Category 3- 25 years service & 65 years or older on 31st March 2025- £455
Category 4 ring fenced and closed- £220
18- 23 Youth- £300
Age 24 Youth- £405
Age 25 Youth- £500
Junior under 18 years of age on 31st March 2025- £50
The fees above will be split into 2 equal payments 1st instalment to be settled by 25th October 2024 and second instalment due by Friday 21st March 2025.
Kind Regards
Sam Cairns