Important rules reminder 22/1/21

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Colville Park Country Club
Covid rules reminder
Dear member

It has been a very difficult time with the weather in conjunction with the world we are living in. Hopefully the poor weather is behind us and we can get back to playing some golf. Please keep following the guidance we provide you re tee times. These will be monitored and times will be removed where rule breaches have occurred. The rules are in place for fairness, so don’t be selfish! A reminder for this weekend only 2 games permitted between Friday and Sunday. Twilight games after 2pm doesn’t count towards this!
A reminder of the rules are below for your information.

Colville Park Country Club
Covid rules update 7/1/21

The latest set of government rules have been released, we have updated our current tier four rules to suit the expected demand on the golf course. I feel we have been very fortunate this time around to be playing golf. I would urge all large groups and sweeps to continue to social distance and not congregate around the 1st tee or clubhouse area.The rules may not suit everyone, but to try and manage the limited tee spaces we have during the winter period will be very difficult.

2 players per time is the maximum capacity.
The week starts on Monday!

Cat 1,3,4,5,8,9 are entitled to 4 games per week
Only 2 games permitted between Friday & Sunday.

Cat 2,6,7 are entitled to 3 games per week

Midweek mon- Friday category are entitled to 2 games per week

Booking 8 days in advance at 6pm remains in place.

Every category is entitled to unlimited twilight rounds after 2pm, but only 1 round in total is permitted each day. 
Failure to cancel a time or no show will count towards one of your games. Please don’t join a single without his or her permission.

Any extra bookings or abuse of rules will result in a one week ban from the golf course.

Each individual player must report to the starter area just inside the club.

Clubhouse, Toilets & locker room areas will remain closed.
The rules will be revised weekly and any changes will be emailed and posted on the website.
Hopefully we are on the home straight now!
Stay safe everyone